check-in by bookappt

Track your customers today with check-in by bookappt.

Suitable for all types of businesses to check in customers to assist with contract tracing.

Our platform allows your business to easily manage your clients.

  • Easy to use
  • Customers sign in via QR code scan
  • Option of faster sign-in for returning customers
  • Generate report to assist contract tracers

We will take the hassle out of contact tracing for your business and handle the requirements for both keeping customer records and compliance.

Our product ensures that your details remain safe and are only used for contact tracing purposes only.

Sign up your business to check-in by bookappt or contact us using the form provided for more information.

Let us at bookappt contact you.
Hairdresser, Doctor

Sign Up and start booking in your client appointments with bookappt. View our current pricing or browse our website for further information.

* SMS / Mobile text messages cost extra ($0.12 per/sms).