Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Current restrictions are now being eased for business.

Important information around the coronavirus with the easing of restrictions.

With the restrictions now slowly being lifted that we ask to make sure that the correct process is adhered to with directions given by the government.

Maintain by following the rules below for your business;

  • Provide hand sanitisers (alcohol based only) to customers
  • Maintain distance of 1.5 metres
  • Limit number of customers in store to 1 Person per 4sq metres
  • Follow best practice for hygiene
  • Do a deep clean your shop (daily)
  • If you or your staff are sick or not well, they are to stay home
  • Contact list of customers

Make sure that you are informed as the easing of restrictions progresses further and to visit your government's website for further details around updates and any changes to them. Information about what businesses can undertake may vary between different levels of government.

- Take care and stay safe from the bookappt team.

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